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Les membres du comité exécutif

L'équipe exécutive est composée d'infirmières bénévoles élues par les membres pour un mandat minimum de deux ans au sein de l'Association.
Les membres de l’ACIMF sont invités à contacter l'un des membres de l'équipe de direction directement ou via le site Web de l’ACIMF.formulaire de contact général.

Suzanne Braithwaite BScN, MNsc, RN, CCHC(c)
Suzanne is a registered nurse with a specialty certification in community health nursing. Suzanne currently teaches at Trent University in the Trent/Fleming School of Nursing. She also has extensive experience practicing as a primary care registered nurse at a Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic in Ontario. Suzanne is passionate about supporting registered nurses to enact their full scope of practice in the primary care setting. She completed her Masters degree in Nursing at Queen’s University where she revised and validated a tool to measure nursing scope of practice enactment in the primary care setting. Suzanne is currently completing doctoral studies at Queen’s University and her dissertation work is focused on exploring the attributes of the nursing care organization that influence registered nurse contributions to well-child care in primary care.
Suzanne is a registered nurse with a specialty certification in community health nursing. Suzanne currently teaches at Trent University in the Trent/Fleming School of Nursing. She also has extensive experience practicing as a primary care registered nurse at a Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic in Ontario. Suzanne is passionate about supporting registered nurses to enact their full scope of practice in the primary care setting. She completed her Masters degree in Nursing at Queen’s University where she revised and validated a tool to measure nursing scope of practice enactment in the primary care setting. Suzanne is currently completing doctoral studies at Queen’s University and her dissertation work is focused on exploring the attributes of the nursing care organization that influence registered nurse contributions to well-child care in primary care.

Past President
Julia Lukewich, RN PhD (Newfoundland)
Julia Lukewich is currently an Associate Professor within the Faculty of Nursing at Memorial University (St. John’s, NL). She has worked in an emergency department and a community health center in Ontario. Julia received her PhD in Nursing at Queen's University (Kingston, ON). Her research is focused on the integration and optimization of the registered nursing role within primary healthcare settings. Julia recently led a national key stakeholder team in the development of core competencies for primary care/family practice nurses. She has been a member of the Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association (CFPNA) since 2015.
Julia Lukewich is currently an Associate Professor within the Faculty of Nursing at Memorial University (St. John’s, NL). She has worked in an emergency department and a community health center in Ontario. Julia received her PhD in Nursing at Queen's University (Kingston, ON). Her research is focused on the integration and optimization of the registered nursing role within primary healthcare settings. Julia recently led a national key stakeholder team in the development of core competencies for primary care/family practice nurses. She has been a member of the Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association (CFPNA) since 2015.

President Elect
Deanne Curnew BN, MN, RN
Deanne is a student in the PhD in Nursing program at Memorial University in St. John's, NL. Her PhD research will examine the contributions of Canadian undergraduate nursing education to Registered Nurses' preparedness to practice within primary care settings.
Deanne has been a Registered Nurse for 14+ years and has a variety of practice experience in medical-surgical and community health settings and nursing education. She currently works as a Nurse Educator at the Centre for Nursing Studies in St. John's, NL. Deanne is passionate about aligning undergraduate nursing education with population health needs and priorities within sustainable health systems and care delivery models.
In her free time, Deanne loves hiking and exploring with her family in her beautiful home province of NL.
Deanne is a student in the PhD in Nursing program at Memorial University in St. John's, NL. Her PhD research will examine the contributions of Canadian undergraduate nursing education to Registered Nurses' preparedness to practice within primary care settings.
Deanne has been a Registered Nurse for 14+ years and has a variety of practice experience in medical-surgical and community health settings and nursing education. She currently works as a Nurse Educator at the Centre for Nursing Studies in St. John's, NL. Deanne is passionate about aligning undergraduate nursing education with population health needs and priorities within sustainable health systems and care delivery models.
In her free time, Deanne loves hiking and exploring with her family in her beautiful home province of NL.

Education Chair
Katrina Parisé RN, BScN, CDE
Katrina is a Registered Nurse who has been working in primary care for eight years. She completed her Bilingual Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Alberta. She is a Certified Diabetes Educator, and is currently working as a Clinical Nurse Educator at the Edmonton Southside Primary Care Network in Edmonton, Alberta. She is passionate about supporting and mentoring new primary care nurses as they navigate their integration into primary care nurse roles, and fostering continuous improvement.
Katrina is a Registered Nurse who has been working in primary care for eight years. She completed her Bilingual Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Alberta. She is a Certified Diabetes Educator, and is currently working as a Clinical Nurse Educator at the Edmonton Southside Primary Care Network in Edmonton, Alberta. She is passionate about supporting and mentoring new primary care nurses as they navigate their integration into primary care nurse roles, and fostering continuous improvement.

Research Chair
Dr. Marie-Eve Poitras, RN PhD (Quebec)
Marie-Eve Poitras, RN PhD holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing sciences, a master and a doctoral degree in clinical sciences. She did her postdoctoral program in shared decision-making and knowledge translation in primary care. She is now Assistant Professor at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Health Department). She was a primary care nurse and a research coordinnator during 8 years in a family medicine group in Province of Quebec. She is a directory board member of PBRN Reseau-1 Quebec. Dr. Poitras program’s research is interested in nursing practice, primary care health service organization, chronic disease, patient engagement in shared decision making and improvement of health professionals competencies in primary care context. Her expertise allowed her to be a new researcher with a high potential for research within the scientific community (h-index 10, CIHR and FRQ-S fellowship). Combined with her expertise as a primary care nurse, her research program establish strong partnerships with regional and provincial decision-makers, clinicians and canadian researchers to review and optimize primary care practices for patients and health professionals.
Marie-Eve Poitras, RN PhD holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing sciences, a master and a doctoral degree in clinical sciences. She did her postdoctoral program in shared decision-making and knowledge translation in primary care. She is now Assistant Professor at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Health Department). She was a primary care nurse and a research coordinnator during 8 years in a family medicine group in Province of Quebec. She is a directory board member of PBRN Reseau-1 Quebec. Dr. Poitras program’s research is interested in nursing practice, primary care health service organization, chronic disease, patient engagement in shared decision making and improvement of health professionals competencies in primary care context. Her expertise allowed her to be a new researcher with a high potential for research within the scientific community (h-index 10, CIHR and FRQ-S fellowship). Combined with her expertise as a primary care nurse, her research program establish strong partnerships with regional and provincial decision-makers, clinicians and canadian researchers to review and optimize primary care practices for patients and health professionals.

Public Relation's
Crystal Vaughan, RN, MN
Crystal is currently a doctoral student at Memorial University of Newfoundland completing research in the area of virtual nursing practice in primary care in Canada. Her clinical experience as a community health nurse in remote communites of Nunavut, providing primary care services to Indigenous populations; and as a Virtual Public Health Nurse have been helpful in her studies and current advocacy role with the CFPNA. Crystal looks forward to building primary care nursing at a national level!
Crystal is currently a doctoral student at Memorial University of Newfoundland completing research in the area of virtual nursing practice in primary care in Canada. Her clinical experience as a community health nurse in remote communites of Nunavut, providing primary care services to Indigenous populations; and as a Virtual Public Health Nurse have been helpful in her studies and current advocacy role with the CFPNA. Crystal looks forward to building primary care nursing at a national level!
Crystal is currently a doctoral student at Memorial University of Newfoundland completing research in the area of virtual nursing practice in primary care in Canada. Her clinical experience as a community health nurse in remote communites of Nunavut, providing primary care services to Indigenous populations; and as a Virtual Public Health Nurse have been helpful in her studies and current advocacy role with the CFPNA. Crystal looks forward to building primary care nursing at a national level!
Crystal is currently a doctoral student at Memorial University of Newfoundland completing research in the area of virtual nursing practice in primary care in Canada. Her clinical experience as a community health nurse in remote communites of Nunavut, providing primary care services to Indigenous populations; and as a Virtual Public Health Nurse have been helpful in her studies and current advocacy role with the CFPNA. Crystal looks forward to building primary care nursing at a national level!

Wendy Girard RN
Wendy has been a registered nurse for 26 years, working in various roles including gerontology, home care and teaching. My passion in nursing has been in primary care where the role of nurse has been a rewarding one, supporting my community. I live in Ontario with my husband and our 6 children.
Wendy has been a registered nurse for 26 years, working in various roles including gerontology, home care and teaching. My passion in nursing has been in primary care where the role of nurse has been a rewarding one, supporting my community. I live in Ontario with my husband and our 6 children.

Monica McGraw M.Sc.inf, B.Sc.inf, II, CCNE

Website Manager (Non-voting)
Tracy Clarke, RN, CPN(c)

Regional Meeting Coordinator (Non-voting)

Student Representative
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